Pin note 005/After "Bridget Jones’s Dairy & Bridget Jones’s Dairy : The Edge of Reason"
When I was young,I preferred Daniel,
even the character of Daniel was so bastard and such a womanizer,
even I knew Mark was a good man although he was very boring and not romantic.
I reviewed this series of "Bridget Jones's Diary" today,
and realized I've grown up and not superficial like that time.
I think maybe it caused I learned something from the past relationship,
and I know if a guy cheated on you once,
he will cheat on you again and again,absolutely!
A guy who wants to play with you never gives you an exact promise,
but if a guy who really loves you when he wants to give you a promise,
he will consider a lot and deeply,and then asks you carefully.
In these films,I like Mark very much.
I have to say,Colin Firth is really a charming man.
However...I still love Hugh Grant!
--Bridget(Renée Zellweger) & Daniel(Hugh Grant) & Mark(Colin Firth) in "Bridget Jones’s Dairy & Bridget Jones’s Dairy : The Edge of Reason",2001&2004